Terms & Conditions

The following document lays out the terms and conditions for renting equipment from GORENTAL LLP (Reg No. T17LL1976K). In the document that follows, any person(s) hiring equipment is referred to as the “RENTER(S)” and GORENTAL LLP referred to as “GORENTAL”. Any person(s) hiring equipment from GORENTAL is/are automatically bound by these terms and conditions without any exceptions.


The RENTER is, without exception, upon agreement on renting equipment from GORENTAL required to acknowledge the following:

  1. The RENTER acknowledges that the equipment is in good working order (unless specified] when receiving the said equipment.
  2. The RENTER acknowledges that all the equipment mentioned in the delivery order is present at the time of pick-up.
  3. GORENTAL forgoes guarantee on the performance of the equipment as soon as the equipment is handed over to the RENTER.
  4. The RENTER is required to provide a valid proof of identity at the time of renting the desired equipment. Proof of identity includes a combination of a copy of NRIC/FIN/Passport and the latest official bill addressed to the RENTER. GORENTAL reserves the right to deny rental services if there is no valid proof of identity of is unconvinced of the genuineness of the identity provided by the potential the RENTER.


The RENTER is expected to adhere to the following condition:

  1. The RENTER shall not assign, transfer, or sublet the equipment to any third parties under these terms and conditions.
  2. The RENTER shall abide by all relevant rules, regulations, and laws while using the equipment hired.
  3. The RENTER shall keep and maintain the equipment in good and clean working order during the Rental Period; and the RENTER will the sole bearer of responsibility in terms of maintaining the condition of the equipment during the Rental Period.
  4. The RENTER does not have the right to in any way alter [physically (hardware) or otherwise (software)] any aspect of the equipment hired.


The RENTER is expected to return the equipment in the following condition:

  1. The RENTER shall agree to return all equipment hired in the same condition in which they received it.
  2. The RENTER shall agree to return all the equipment hired to the Return Location (specified when collecting equipment) by the Return Date and Time decided upon at the time of hiring.
  3. No extension will be granted to the RENTER unless the RENTER notifies GORENTAL of any requirement of such extensions and GORENTAL agrees to the extension dates. Notwithstanding any agreed upon extensions, if the RENTER fails to return all the equipment hired, by or on the Return Date and Time, GORENTAL shall immediately report the equipment to the police as stolen.
  4. GORENTAL may re-possess the equipment lent to the RENTER without any prior notice provided, in GORENTAL’s opinion:
    1. The equipment is being used or has been used for any unlawful purposes or contravenes any one of the terms and conditions.
    2. The equipment is or has been mishandled or abused.
    3. The equipment has been or seems to have been apparently abandoned.
    4. The equipment has not been returned to the Return Location by the Return Date and Time.
5. GORENTAL reserves the right to continue charging rent on the equipment until the equipment in question has been thoroughly inspected in cases where the equipment cannot be inspected immediately at the time of return due to:
    1. The RENTER dropping off the equipment at a wrong location.
    2. The equipment is lodged at an inaccessible place.
    3. The equipment is damaged and rent on damaged equipment will continue to charge till equipment is fully repaired.
6. If the RENTER for any reason whatsoever becomes insolvent or if the RENTER ceases to do business as a going concern or if the RENTER declare bankruptcy under the Bankruptcy Act of Singapore or any such statute under Singapore Law, GORENTAL shall declare the RENTER in default of the Rental Agreement; and in the event of such a default GORENTAL shall retain the right to re-possess all the equipment hired by the said RENTER.


    The RENTER shall agree to pay on demand, all the charges outlined in the following:

    1. The RENTER is required to pay a deposit (deposit amount will be stated beforehand) when collecting the equipment from the warehouse and the deposit will be refund to the RENTER upon returning the equipment in working condition and within agreed Return Time.
    2. All the charges that are incurred by the RENTER for any number of days after the stipulated Return Date and Time.
    3. The entire cost of repair/replacement of any damaged equipment and the loss incurred by GORENTAL because of the equipment being rendered non-rentable.
    4. The entire cost of reinstating any loss of equipment at current retail prices (less any discount (if any)) and the loss incurred by GORENTAL because of the equipment being rendered non-rentable.
    5. In case the RENTER breaches any clause of the usage of equipment or escapes any of their obligation in handling the equipment, under this Terms and Conditions, a sum as deemed necessary by GORENTAL to compensate for any loss GORENTAL incurs (based on GORENTAL reasonable discretion).
    6. All the costs of taxes, fees, licenses, and governmental charges, along with any penalties or interests thereon, relating to the possession, use, or maintenance of the equipment.
    7. Besides these charges, the RENTER must agree to pay GORENTAL’s administration fees per event.
    8. All the costs incurred by GORENTAL in recovering equipment in the circumstance outlined in Clause B (4) of this document.
    9. In case the RENTER fails to return any one of the equipment or any part of the equipment as per Clause A (1)(b), all the costs incurred by GORENTAL in recovering the equipment or in compensating for them in case of loss of the equipment.
    10. The entire final list of charges will only be outlined after GORENTAL or a representative of GORENTAL examines the equipment upon return/recovery of the equipment.

    PAYMENT OF CHARGESAll related payment stated in Clause D are to be made as follows:
    1. Payment for extended return is to be made upon returning of equipment in full either by CASH or NETS.
    2. If equipment has to be sent in for repair, a deposit of expected repair fee and loss incurred during repair period has to be made upon returning of equipment. Deposit will be returned to the RENTER after deducting the actual repair fee and loss incurred during repair, if deposit is not enough to cover the cost, further payment had to be made either by BANK TRANSFER, CASH or NETS.
    3. Lost equipment will be charged at full retail price and had to be paid in full upon returning of remaining equipment by CASH or NETS.

    This clause in this document covers terms and conditions pertaining to the general conditions that GORENTAL places before agreeing to rent equipment any person(s).

    1. The equipment lent to any person(s) shall remain exclusive property of GORENTAL.
    2. GORENTAL reserves the right, without any prior notice, to change any descriptions of, images of, or references to any product or services on their website, or to limit the order quantity of a product, or to refuse service to any person(s) without exception.
    3. The RENTER must agree to indemnify GORENTAL of all losses, damages, claims, demands, or liability of any kind whatsoever, including legal expenses, recited to, or arising from the use, transportation, condition, or operation of the equipment during the Rental Period by any party the RENTER hires or deems responsible for. This indemnification shall hold steadfastly during and after the Rental Period in order ensure GORENTAL’s safe position for causes during the Rental Period.
    4. GORENTAL shall not be liable to any indirect, special, incidental, or consequential costs associated with the damage suffered by the RENTER or any other person(s) due to any breach of this document on the RENTER’S part. The RENTER must indemnify GORENTAL from any such claims [including all legal costs].
    5. No right of GORENTAL as outlined in this document can be overridden or waived unless a representative of GORENTAL decides to do so.
    6. This document constitutes the only agreement between the RENTER and GORENTAL in carrying out a deal. This document nullifies any other promise, deal, or promise of a deal, the RENTER might think GORENTAL might have offered.
    7. If for any reason whatsoever, any one of the conditions outlined in this document is rendered un-enforceable, the rest of the conditions presented in this document will continue to have full effect.
    8. The RENTER must agree that all information provided to GORENTAL for the successful completion of an agreement is true and correct. If under any circumstance, any such information or parts of any such information is changed, it is the RENTER’S responsibility to notify GORENTAL at the soonest.
    9. The RENTER, in cases of being plural or being representatives of a company, these terms and conditions collectively apply to all members that encapsulate the “RENTER”.


    GORENTAL is forever committed to upholding the trust that any person(s) places on them by providing any information that might be deemed crucial or personal, and GORENTAL shall keep this information strictly for official purposes. In cases where Clause C (3) is activated, GORENTAL reserves the right to provide all RENTER relevant information to the concerned authorities.